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Music Professional, Creator, Educator and Managing Director at the SongLab

The Quadrilateral Code by Meldra

A dynamic four angle self-development system for entrepreneurs as well as corporate intrapreneurs; a skill identification and mastery blueprint.

Quad Code is utilised as a resilient framework for career development in plethora of scenarios, including corporate, academic and community outreach.

Recent Contributions

Music Business for Music Creators By Jonny Amos

Please enjoy the chapter on Portfolio Careers in Creative Industries that I contributed to the book The Music Business for Music Creators by Jonny Amos published by Taylor& Francis 2024

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Record, Mix and Master by Simon Duggal and Paul Rogers

Delighted to offer contributions towards the 'Tips from Pros' sections in this wonderful book  Record, Mix and Master by Simon Duggal and Paul Rogers. 

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